A tradition that is handed down

Definitely one of the best tables in Verona, where you can find at least all the elements that make up the title of this review.
On the other hand it is not new, as it could now be counted among the historic restaurants of Verona, while ignoring the “school” matured at the “Bottega del Vin”
Elia il Patron, over time has rightly delegated part of his duties in the conduct of his restaurant, but always remain vigilant and attentive so that everything is always at the highest levels, from the choice of matter, its transformation and modernization, accompanying it with wisdom and skill to the inevitable evolution of the times.
Always beautiful setting, always up to the service.
Refined representation of gastronomic hospitality on Verona.


"My goal is to bring forward a cuisine of culture and knowledge"

Elia Rizzo


Elia Rizzo

“My goal is to bring forward a cuisine of culture and knowledge, maybe not trendy, since fads can also like me but rarely affect me. I will never sacrifice the taste to leave room for improbable consistencies that could improve the presentation, “says Rizzo trying to outline the cornerstones of his culinary philosophy. And this cultured cuisine is also expressed in the presence of the chef in the hall, who personally serves the truffle at the risotto table and accompanies the guest on a multi-sensory journey through his dishes. The ideal host – according to the chef – must rely completely on him in order to fully enjoy the experience he is experiencing. And the reception becomes fundamental: “The customer must feel that your way of addressing him is spontaneous, but at the same time the service must be elegant, impeccable and above all noble”.

Mattia Rizzo


Mattia & Elia

In the beginning it was Elia Rizzo, historical face and true icon of Il Desco who in 1981 felt the need to open a restaurant in Verona that was able to raise the gastronomic tradition of the territory to haute cuisine, with rigor and elegance. Conquested the Michelin star in the far 1985, which is then carried out over the years thanks to a deep passion for catering and for the reception of the customer.

Matteo Rizzo, his son, grows in the kitchen of Il Desco learning the basics of both the dining room and the kitchen. Then the instinct to fly away, the need to know other realities, confront different cuisines and cultures. After a series of experiences abroad, Matteo returns to the home, ready to take the reins of the historic family restaurant, thus ensuring continuity to a long-standing history of Italian cuisine and implementing a peaceful and rigorous generational transition. , without personalities.

Today, at the helm of Il Desco, chef Matteo Rizzo reflects in his dishes experiences, travels and passions, but at the same time brings back to life a heritage of culinary traditions of the territory that are the guidelines for his cuisine, a legacy of his father’s teachings .


Address & Contacts

Address: Isolo di Via Ponte Pignolo, 6 – 37129 Verona
Arena di Via M. Bentegodi, 8 – 37122 Verona
Lungadige Rubele negli stalli blu o gialli e blu

Telephone:+39 045 595358 ;


Website:Il Desco


Art and design are the setting for dishes, inside a Renaissance palace in the heart of Verona.
